Wednesday, March 07, 2012

A Trip to The Mountain of Sitog

I am still feeling the bad effects of that unexpected eight hours mountain trip up the hilly and rocky mountain terrain to Sitog. I never expected to have traveled to that said mountain nor going there through a motor bike that long under the raging heat of the sun. I've been to few mountains before but were never that far. Worst, my father went with me not expecting it was that exhausting. What a pity! His old body sure feels sore until now from that nerve-wracking trip. Even I still feel the impact. My spirit still flying upon remembering the deadly cliffs on each side of the road.

I posted this picture in my other blog Passion Babbles for Quotography

The reason of that trip was to check the agricultural land offered to us by the owner as a collateral for the money he planned to borrow. Above is the view of the land. There is one part of the land (not shown) that is packed with coconut trees. The area is more than a hectare and with the amount the owner wanted in exchange of my temporary cultivation and management of this land I thought would earn me much profit out of the harvest. But, I backed out for the place is way from the city. Hiring vehicles to and fro during the harvest time surely be very costly. It won't do no good. 

The other reason of the trip was to check the land with a nipa hut that's for sale not far from the said agricultural land. The price truly was affordable but I could bear living in a place where there's no water and electricity. Plus, I can't live in a place which I found way far from the civilization.  
And, I definitely don't like the idea of travelling on a zigzaggy, hilly and rocky road for eight hours back and fourth. No! No!

It would have been great if it wasn't that far of a place. Even my father declined the idea of buying the land and lending money out to the owner. It was a long and tiring for both father and I but at least we had shared that experience plus we enjoyed the scenic view of the mountain.

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