Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Watery Wednesday #3

I finally was able to swim on the sea again. It has been a while since I last visited my parents and it has been a while I craved to get soaked on salt water that waves. So during the holidays with parents, I took advantage of it. Besides, the sea is just few steps away from my parent's house.

I tagged along my cousins, my siblings, godchildren and my little nieces.

I was surrounded with little angels, angels that are not mine. I wish they are.

I enjoyed swimming with the kids and teaching them to swim.
I hope to have a swim again with them next week.


gengen said...

kaenjoy nila oy hehehe...Happy WW!

2sweetnsaxy said...

It must be nice to live that close to the beach. I would love it. I hope you had fun. It looks like you did. :-)